编辑整理: 贵州自考网 发表时间: 2018-05-23 【大 中 小】 点击数:
1.There are estimated to be more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain (the exact figure is not known because the Home Office, the Government department that deals with this, does not keep statistics)。 There be 表"存在”的句型。
2.Of these 20,000, just under 2,000 are being exploited and abused by their employers, according to a London-based campaigning group which helps overseas servants working in Britain.
3.And they can have their passports removed, making leaving or "escaping”virtually impossible.
4.The sad condition of women working as domestics around the world received much media attention earlier this year in several highly publicised cases.
5.In one of them, a Filipino maid was executed in Singapore after being convicted of murder, despite protests from various quarters that her guilt had not been adequately established.
Guilt n. 有罪 反义词: innocence
Guilty adj. 有罪的 反义词 innocente
6.Then there is the case of Kumari from Sri Lanka. The main breadwinner in her family, she used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in Sri Lanka.
7.This included increasing the minimum age of employees to 18, getting employees to read and understand an advice leaflet, getting employers to agree to provide adequate maintenance and conditions, and to put in writing the main terms and conditions of the job (of which the employees should see a copy)。注意三个并列的动名词短语。
8.For the main problem facing overseas maids and domestics who try to complain about cruel living and working conditions is that they do not have independent immigrant status and so cannot change employer.
9.It is, they say, the right to change employers which distinguishes employment from slavery.
Text B Return of The Chain Gang
I.New Words
1.gang n. 1.一队,一族;2.(囚犯,歹徒等)一群,一帮
2.eyewitness n. 目击者;见证人
3.unison n. 一致;协调
4.interstate a. [主美]州际的
5.BBC(=British Broadcasting Corporation) 英国广播公司
6.correspondent n. 1.对应物;2.新闻通讯员,记者,通信者
7.shackle n. 1.[常pl.]镣铐;2.[pl.]束缚,枷锁
8.ditch n. 沟,沟渠
vt./vi. 开渠;筑渠
9.weed n. 1.杂草,野草;2.水生植物
vt. 除草,拔草
10.deny vt. 1.否定,否认;2.拒绝接受,拒绝给予
11.re-introduction n. 重新采用,重新引入
12.gap n. 裂口,裂缝
13.toilet n. 盥洗室;厕所
14.circus n. 1.马戏团,杂技团;2.马戏场,杂技场
15.degrade vt. 1.降级,贬代;2.堕落;3.退化
16.plantation n. 1.种植园,大农场;2.植树造林
17.spokesman ([复] spokesmen) n. 发言人;代言人
18.racist n. 种族主义者
a. 种族主义的;种族歧视的
19.racial a. 种族的
20.inhumane a. 不人道的,残忍的
21.ineffective a. 无效的;不起作用的
22.civil a. 1.国民的;民用的;2.国内的,民间的
23.union n. 1.工会,协会;2.结合,联合
24.liberty n. 1.自由,自由权;2.冒昧,失礼;
25.punishment n. 1.处罚,罚,刑罚;2.折磨,损害
26.disaffection n. 不满
27.argument n. 1.争论,辩论;2.论据,理由
本文标签:贵州自考 学习笔记 2007年10月自学考试《英语[二]》完整讲义[38]

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