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R:(from bathroom)There's nothing to do but face the fact that we're not invited.
C:Oh,there's got to be a way.There's got to be.
R:After all,honey,there's no reason to feel slighted.We're both pretty new in pictures.It's not as though we sere old-timers who had worked with Scotty.
C:Sandra and Don never worked with Scotty,either.Neither did Debby and Chris,or Anne and Mark.
R:I know,honey.We've been through all this before.
C:And I may never have worked with Scotty,but I did meet him once,and he danced with me at a party.He was very nice to me,too,and said some very complimentary things.I met his wife,too.
(An afterthought.)I didn't much like her.
R:Maybe I'd better call Mike again.(He picks up the telephone and dials.)
C:what good can an agent do?We're not looking for jobs.
R:He may have found some way of getting us invited.
C:I bet
R:(into the telephone.)Mike?Randy.Look,Mike,Carole and I still haven't been invited,and I can't help wondering if there's been an oversight of some kind.After all,Carole was a great friend of Scotty's and she feels pretty hurt that she's been overlooked…I never knew him but everyone knows how much I've always admired him.In an interview just last week,I said,"Scotty Woodrow is still the greatest.” Now,I didn't have to say that…if you ask me,it showed a lot of humility on my part to say a thing like that when,after all,I've got a career of my own to consider… well look,try to do something,Mike.Carole and I both should be seen there… O.K.,Mike,call us as soon as you find out.(he hangs up.)
C:He couldn't get us an invitation to Disneyland.
R:he said just Scotty's closest friends are being invited.
C:Oh yes!Half the people going,I bet,have never met him.
R:Well!What are we going to do?
C:Sandra had an entire new outfit made.Perfectly stunning.And she had the dress made so that she can have the sleeves taken out later and wear it to cocktails and supper parties.After all,black is a very smart color now.
R:Did you tell Sandra and Don we weren't invited?
C:Of course not.I lied and said we were going.Now,if we don't get an invitation,I'll have to lie again and say we came down with food poisoning,or something.
R:How did Anne and Mark get invited?
C:Mark played Scotty's son in a picture once.
R:When?I don't remember
C:a long time ago,before either of us came on the scene.
R:(Thinks a moment.)That means Mark's a little older than he admits.
C:I don't know.The part was very young,practically an infant.
R:just the same,I'll bet Mark's thirty.
C:Damn,what am I going to tell Sandra?She invited us to come to her house afterwards and a accepted.
R:(A little shocked.)she's not giving a party!
C:No.she just invited some friends to come in afterwards to have a few drinks and talk about what a great guy Scotty was,and everything.She said she thought we'd all feel terribly depressed.After all,Scotty Woodrow was practically a landmark,or something.Think of it.He's been a star for forty years.
R:Yes.He was really great.It makes me very humble to think of a guy like Scotty.
C:They may flowers came from the President,and from Queen Elizabeth,and…
R:The guest list is going to be published in every paper in the country.
C:You know we could crash.
C:Who'd know the difference?
R:How would we feel afterwards,when we had to shake hands with Mrs.Woodrow?
C:She's probably forgotten whether she invited us or not.
R:Honey.I'm not going to crash.That's all.I'm not.
C:Everyone would just take it for granted we'd been invited.I mean,we're both just as prominent as Sandra and Don,or any of the others.If you ask me,it'd be a lot better to crash than not to be seen at… well,you can't call it a social affair exactly,but it's a social event.Anyway,everyone will be there.Everyone.
R:it could be some of the others who are lying about their invitations,too.You realize that,don't you?
C:(Considers this.) I wonder…well,anyway,they're all going.I think they got invitations.
R:I don't know why the studio couldn't have managed it for us with a little pull.They should realize it's in the best interest of my career to be seen there,and my career means as much to them as it does to me.
C:Same here.Oh,I just don't know how I can face Sandra and Anne and all the others,and make them believe that we really did have food poisoning.
R:You know,we could give ourselves food poisoning just a light case.A little rotten meat would do it.Then we'd call the doctor and…
C:(Horrified.)No!I'm not going to make myself sick.
R:just a slight case so you could tell them with a straight face…(A soft tap comes at the door.)Come in.(Mriel,the maid,enters with a tray.)Hi Muriel!
本文标签:贵州自考 学习笔记 2007年10月自学考试《综合英语[二]》笔记[16]

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