编辑整理: 贵州自考网 发表时间: 2018-05-23 【大 中 小】 点击数:
UNIT 6 At Work
Do/work overtime 加班工作
Be on overtime
Do /take a course in sth. 在…方面的课程
Have /receive training in sth. 关于…的培训 training n.
Take dictation 听写/口述= take notes
Con artist 骗贩
Piss artist 醉鬼/游手好闲的人
Pavement artist 马路画家= sidewalk artist 路边肖像画家
In one‘s spare /free /leisure time 在…人的多余/自由/空闲时间里
Apply for 请求/申请
Be qualified for 有…的资格,适于担任…
Employer 雇主,老板
Employee 雇员/店员
Unemployed 失业的,未被利用的
Unemployment 失业,失业人数 unemployment rate 失业比率
Beneficial to 对…有利,有益
Be well aware of 清楚意识到
Have no choice but to do 没有选择除了做…
Make a choice 做一选择
by choice 出于选择
make an appointment with sb. 和…人有约
cancel an appointment 取消约会
miss an appointment 失约
physical education =PE 体育
have a physical /medical examination 做一次体检
meet the requirement 满足要求
require sb. That …should do…要求…人做…事(should虚拟语气)
a spoiled child 被宠坏的孩子
a determined person 有决心的人,坚决的人
be determined to do sth. 下决心做…事
bartender 酒吧服务员,酒吧男招待=barman 酒吧男侍者
nightmarish 恶梦般的 adj. Nightmare 恶梦 n.
retire from +地点place retire 退休
retire as +职位position retire 退休
shout at sb. 冲着…人大叫
shout abuse at sb. 冲着…人骂脏话
be gasping = be very thirsty 非常口渴, 渴望
react to sth. 对…反应
sb‘s reaction to sth.
Wave to /at sb.
Wave sb goodbye 向…人挥手说拜拜
Wave sb‘s hands around/about 手舞足蹈的样子
Have sticky fingers 有偷窃的习,小偷小摸
Thumb 大拇指
Forefinger 食指
Middle finger中指
Ring finger 无名指
Little finger 小指
Burst into +n. laughter /tears /songs. 笑/哭/唱歌
Burst out +v laughing/crying/singing笑/哭/唱歌
Laugh at 嘲笑
compete with/against each other 相互竞争
after leaving school =after graduation 毕业之后
do sth for a living 以…谋生
secretary to …manager… …经理的秘书
secretarial adj. 秘书的 secretary n. 秘书
you are not imaginative =you‘ve got no imagination 你没有想象力
imaginative adj. Imagination n.
have sth to do 找些事做
have sb. Do 请…人做…事
do a good job doing sth. 在做…方面做的很好
prepare sth for sb. 为…人准备…东西
show you around 带…人参观
make an appointment with sb. 和……人约好
thanks for calling = thanks for your call
under a lot of pressure 压力很大 = be stressed out
change in sth. 变化
Plan for tonight 计划
Be fortunate in doing sth. 很幸运…
Be employed/worked as
As many a novice as = as many novices as
My classmate and I = me and my classmate me 在前面OK,me 在后面用I.
本文标签:贵州自考 学习笔记 自考英语等级考试二级听课笔记六

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