编辑整理: 贵州自考网 发表时间: 2018-05-23 【大 中 小】 点击数:
Topic 主题/话题
Theme 只有主题的意思,theme park / song 主题公园/主题曲
Greek adj. She is a Greek girl.
Greece n. She is from Greece.
Mention doing v.后面+ing
Pick a quarrel /An argument /A fight 挑起争端/争论/战争
Quarrel with sb. Over / about sth. 由于…而和…吵架
Quarrelsome 爱吵架的 adj.
Be shy of / with sb. …害羞
Be shy of doing sth.
Camera-shy adj. 形容不喜欢被拍照的人
Shy 比较及 直接+er /est shyer / shyest
Play a joke / trick on sb. 玩笑/恶作剧
Tell /crack jokes 讲笑话
Dirty jokes 黄色笑话
Jokes fall flat 不好笑的笑话
Bu rude to sb. 对…粗鲁 be polite to sb. 对…礼貌
Go broke / bankrupt 破产 =penniless 赤贫的
Go flat broke 一贫如洗
Be suppose to do sth. 应该是…
Be jealous of sb./sth. 嫉妒某人/某事
Jealous adj. 直接+y = jealousy n.
Keep sth. Shut 关上… keep you mouth shut. 闭嘴 = shut up!
To whom it may concern. 一般用语正式信函,比如面试信的台头不知道是哪个,就可以用这个句子(写给有关人士)
Concerning 关于 prep.
Independent adj. 独立的 independence n.
Declare independence 宣布独立
Be at war with 与…开战
Boss v. bossy adj. 专横的
Boss sb. Around / about 指使某人干这干那
Give birth to 产生/出生 = deliver to pregnant woman 怀孕的妇女
Brain n. 直接+y = brainy adj. 有头脑的
Scatterbrained 注意力不集中的
Bird-brained = stupid
Discover v. +y = discovery n.
Developing country 发展中国家
Developed country 发达国家
Develop the symbols of TB. 出现肺结核症状/象征
Develop the film 出现这种症状
Develop a habit of doing sth. 养成…习惯
Space spacious 宽敞的
Be confident in sb. 对…人有信心
Have every / complete confidence in sb. 对…充满信心
Lack confidence 缺乏信心
Energy n. 能量 energetic adj. 精力充沛的
Behave yourself 行为乖点,规矩点
A well-behaved /perfectly child 表现好的孩子/
A poorly / badly child 表现不好的孩子
Be shocked to do sth. 被做的…事给震惊了
Discuss v. 后面不+介词 discuss sth. = take about
Discussion n. have a discussion about
Be buried alive 被活埋 bury v. 埋葬
stay at home 呆家里
go out with 出去了/ 与某人交往
tell sb. About sth.
Have a good time = have a great fun 玩的很好/感觉很棒
Drive sb wild 使…人疯狂
Get along with sb. Very well 与…相处很好
Quarrel with 争吵
Fight with 打架
A good sister of hers 名词性物主代词 mine / theirs
Have a lot in common 有很多共同语言/共同点
Get together 聚会
A close friend 亲密朋友 a closest friend 最亲密的朋友
In the eyes of 在…眼中看来
for the first time
what do you think of sb. =what do you think doing sth.
Save up for sth …为…存钱
Pay sb. Back 还钱给…人
the age you are = your age
grow up 长大
be enough to do sth. 足够大,可以做…
go from … to …从…变到/到… 介词from ,to 后面v. 需加ing
from being…to being…
boss sb. Around 指使…做…
between A and B
keep sth. +adj. &. Keep sb. +adj. Keep your room neat /整洁的
think of sb. = attitude toward dui 对…看法
know more about sb. 想了解…人的信息
make new friends
take up time / place 占据时间/空间
free time = spare time = leisure time
steal tube dance 钢管舞
tap-dance 踢踏舞
belly dance 肚皮舞
jazz dance爵士舞
Wax museum 蜡像馆
Hear sb. D.
It doesn‘t take an Einstein to understand that. 连Einstein 都不懂的问题。
More than
Be made of 构成
Our time = all time 这个时代
Be link to sb. 和…联系
Win sb. Sth. Win the scientist a Nobel Prize
As sb. Believe 就像某人认为/相信的那样
As I said 像我说的那样
Multiply by 乘上
Public 前面一定+the(冠词) 表达为 the public
Go wild 发疯了
On relativity 关于相对论 on 关于
Einstein thought he might be the only person he knew who was not trying to win a US $5000 magazine prize for the best 3000-word summary of relativity.
Pass away 逝世 (比较委婉的说法) =die
Belong to &. Belong doing
Were being done 过去进行时
Response to sb. 对…反应
Would rather than 比…更愿意
Rather than …而不要…
Rather adv. 相当地
I am under the impression = I have the impression 在我的印象中
Put sb…… in a position / situation 位置/状况
Must 有否定方式,语气很严重,you mustn‘t say your mother like that. 一定不可以… 一般用 don’t have to
Be动词后面一定是v. 的ing形式 be doing
本文标签:贵州自考 学习笔记 自考英语等级考试二级听课笔记二

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