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acquire v. gain or come into possession of 获得
acquisition n. the act of acquiring 获得,得到
adverse a. not in favor of; opposing 不利的,相反的
avoid v. miss or keep away from, esp. on purpose 避免,躲开
bond n. a paper in which a government or an industrial firm promises to pay back with interest money that has been lent 债券,公债
bilateral a. between or concerning 2 parties 双边的
cheque n. a written order in a band to pay a certain sum of money from one‘s bank account 支票
commerce n. the buying and selling of goods, esp. between different counties; trade 商业,贸易
distinction n. difference 区别,差别
execute v. carry out, to perform or do completely 执行,实施
hedge v. make a fence round a field; protect 围护,保护
in convertible a. that can not be freely exchanged for other types of money 不能兑换(外币)的,不能转换的
license n. an official paper card, etc. showing that permission has been given to do sth. 许可,执照
medium n. substance, surrounding, in which sth. exists or through which sth. moves 中间,媒介
obligation n. a duty 职责,义务
pension n. an amount of money paid regularly to sb. who can no longer earn money by working, esp. because of old age or illness 抚恤金,养老金
prevent v. keep (sth.) from happening or existing 防止,阻止
principal a. most important; main 主要的,首要的
quota n. a stated number or amount, or a limit on a number 定额
quote v. give a price 报价,开价
remit v. send (money) by post 汇寄
repatriation n. bringing or sending (sb.) back to his own country, or to the country of which he is a citizen 遣返回国
resort v. sort again 再分开,再分类
restrict v. keep within limits 限定,约束
terminology n. specialized words and expressions used in a particular science, profession, activity etc. 术语,专门用语
standpoint n. a position from which things are seen and opinions formed 立场,观点
utilize v. make (good) use of 利用
term n.条款
commercial bank 商业银行
coupon n. (附在证券上的)息票
letter of credit 信用证(卡)
traveler‘s cheque 旅行支票
accrue v. become bigger or more by addition 自然增长
analysis n. an examination of something together with thoughts and judgements about it 分析
anticipate v. expect 期望,预期
assess v. calculate the value of or the amount of for tax purposes 对(财产等)进行估价
benefit v. be useful, profitable, or helpful to 受益
boundless a. without limits 无限的
commodity n. a thing of use or advantage, esp. sth. sold for profit 商品
component n. any of the parts that make up or are needed for a whole (esp. for a machine or system) 组成部分
compound v. put together to form a whole 使复合,使合成
constraint n. the threat or use of force to direct the action of others 强逼,强制
contribute v. help in bringing about 出一份力,贡献出
control v. have power over; rule 控制,统治
data n. facts; information 资料
detect v. find out; notice 发现,注意,觉察
essentially ad. basically 基本上
establish v. set up (an organization) 建立
esteem v. believe; respect and admire 信任;尊重
fragment v. cause to be made up of incomplete parts 使成碎片
frustrate v. cause (sb.) to have feelings of annoyed disappointment 使受挫
gauge n. a standard measure of weight, size, etc., to which objects can be compared 标准尺寸,标准规格
impact n. the force of an idea, invention, system, etc. 影响
intelligence n. information gathered esp. about the rival party, etc; ability to learn and understand 谍报;智力
intrinsic a. being part of thenature or character of someone or something 固有的;内在的
luxury n. great comfort, as provided without worry about the cost 奢侈
magnitude n. greatness of size or importance 大小,重要性
monitor n. 监控
moot a. uncertain, undecided 争论未决的
obvious a. easy to understand; clear 显而易见的
pose v. state; offer for consideration 提出,形成
potential a. existing in possibility 潜在的
precise a. exact in form, detail, measurements, time, etc. 精确的,确切的
preferable a. better (esp. because more suitable) 更可取的,更好的
prevent v. keep (sth.) from happening or existing 防止
propose v. suggest 建议
reduce v. make smaller, cheaper, etc 减小,削价
regulation n. an official rule or order 制度,法规
resource n. the part of possessions in the form of wealth and goods that help one to do what one wants 资源,财力
restrict v. limit; keep within limits 限制,限定
scan v. examine closely, esp. in search 细看,审视
sheer a. mere; unmixed with anything else 纯粹的,不掺杂的
solution n. an act or way of finding an answer to a difficulty or problem 解决办法
strategic a. skillful planning generally; a particular plan for winning success in a particular activity 战略(上)的
survey v. examine the general condition of 概括地观察
technique n. skill in art or some specialist activity 技术,技巧
threat n. statement of an intention to punish or hurt sb., if he does not do as one wishes 威胁
trend n. a general direction or course of development; tendency 趋势
variation n. difference; the qualities that are not the same as each other 变化,不同
verify v. make sure that sth. is correct or true 证实,确证
vie v. compete 竞争
foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率
interest rate 利率
accumulative a. tending to make or become greater in number or quantity; heap up 积累的,积聚的
activate v. make active 使活跃起来
anonymous a. without a name; with name unknown 无名的;匿名的
apprehension n. (legal) seizing 逮捕
authorize v. allow; permit 许可
asset n. anything owned that has money value 财产
attributable a. that can be considered to be result of; accessible to 可归属的;可归因的
compromise v. make (someone or sth.) open to dishonour, danger, etc. 损害,损坏
confidential a. secret 秘密的
corporate a. of or belonging to a corporation 社团的,法人的
cumulative a. increasing steadily in amount 累积的,渐增的
debug v. search for and remove possible causes of trouble, faults, errors, etc. from a computer programme 移去(程序)中的错误
deliberate a. intentional; done on purpose 蓄意的,故意的
detect v. discover 发现
erase v. rube or scrape out; remove all traces of 擦去,消去痕迹
erasure n. rubbing out; scraping out 删去,消除
espionage n. practice of spying or using spies 谍报,间谍活动
extortion n. the act of obtaining by violence, threats, etc. 敲诈,勒索
generate v. produce 产生
incorporate v. include; make sth. a part of a group 收编,使结成社团
inevitably ad. always unfailingly 照例必有的,老一套的
install v. place fix (apparatus) in position for use 安装
installation n installing or being installed 安置,安装
intimidate v. make sb. fearful enough to do what one wants 恫吓,威胁
log v. record; enter facts in a log-book 记录
lucrative a. profitable 有利的
misappropriation n. taking and using wrongly; application of sb. else‘s money to a wrong use 滥用,盗用
package n. parcel, bale, bundle of things;packed together 包裹
paralyse v. make helpless 使瘫痪;使麻痹
paramount a. supreme; highest in rank 至上的
payroll n. list of person to be paid and the amounts due to each total amount of wages, salaries, etc. to be paid to them 工资名单,发放的工资额
permeate v. pass, flow or spread into every part of 渗入,弥漫
sabotage n. purposeful and secretly carried-out damage 蓄意破坏
stereotype n. a fixed pattern representing a type of person, things or events 陈规;老套
substantial a. large, considerable 大的,多的
terminate v. bring to an end; come to an end 使终止
time-bomb a bomb designed to explode at some time after being dropped, placed in position, etc. 定时炸弹
trigger n. the small tongue of metal pressed by the finger to five a gun 报机,触发器
virtually ad. almost, nearly 实际上
vulnerable a. that is liable to be damaged; not protected against attack 易受损害的
hardware n. 硬件
software n. 软件
vault n. (银行等的)保管库
allegation n. statement esp. one made without proof 断言,主张;辩解(尤指提不出证明的);空言
appeal (to) v. call on a higher court to change the decision of a lower court 上诉
bemused a. confused, bewildered 困惑的,茫然的
betrayal n. the act of being unfaithful 背叛;出卖
breach n. an act of breaking a law, promise, etc. 违法;违约;不履行
capacity n. position, character, ability, power 职位,资格;能力;能量
capture n. the act of being taken by force 捕获,俘虏
confidence n. full trust; secret 信任;吐露的秘密
confidential a. spoken or written in secret 秘密的,机密的
confidentiality n. the quality of keeping secret 秘密性,保密性
convict v. (of a judge )declare in a law court sb. is guilty (of crime) 宣布…有罪
count n. (legal) one of a number of crimes of which a person has been accused (控告的一条)罪状
criminal n. a person who is guilty of crime 罪犯,犯人
deduct v. take away (an amount, a part) from a total 扣除,减去
defendant n. a person in a law trial against whom a charge is brought 被告
depress v. make sad, low in spirits 使沮丧,使消沉
dismiss v. (of a judge ) stop a court case; send away from employment 驳回,对……不予受理
enshrine v. put or keep (as if in a holy place) 珍藏
extinguish v. end the existence of (sth.); put out ( a light or fire) 消灭;熄灭
fidelity n. faithfulness, loyalty 忠诚,忠实
gross a. clearly wrong in law; inexcusable 罪恶昭彰的;不可原谅的
guilty a. having broken a law 犯罪的,有罪的
impart v. give (qualities, knowledge, etc.) 给予;传授;传递
inquiry n. actions and meetings which are to find out how something happened 侦察;审讯
intelligence n. information gathered esp. about an enemy country 情报;谍报
interference n. breaking in upon (other‘s affairs) without right or invitation 干涉,干预;干扰
jail n. public prison 监狱
layman n. non-professional person, not expert (esp. with reference to the law and medicine) 门外汉,外行
lodge v. make (a statement ) officially; stay, usu. for a short time 正式提出,正式发表;(暂)住
memoir n. a story of someone‘s life, esp. personal life 传记,传略
obligation n. duty 义务;职责,责任
plead v. speak or argue in support of 为…辩护
preside v. be in charge; lead 负责;指挥;主管
profit v. be benefited 得益
recover v. get back (sth. lost ) 重新获得;重新找到
royalty n. sum paid to the owner of a copyright 版税
rule v. decide officially 作出裁决,作出裁定
safeguard v. protect 保护;捍卫;维护
signal n. a sound, image, or message sent by waves as in radio or television 信号
solicitor n. lawyer who prepares legal documents, advises clients on legal matters and speak on their behalf in lower courts (初级)律师
spy n. a person employed to find out secret information as from an enemy 间谍;侦探
surpass v. go beyond in amount or degree 超过,胜过undertake v. affirm, promise; take up (a position ) 肯定地说,保证,许诺;从事
the Attorney-General 首席检察官,检察长
fiduciary a. 信托的;信用的;n. 受信托人
adjust v. change slightly to make suitable for new conditions 调整,调节
bet n. risk of money on the result of a future event 打赌的钱,赌注
bindery n. place where books are bound 装订所
boom v. grow rapidly 迅速成长,迅速发展
bracket n. a group of people who share some quality 一类人,等级
breadwinner n. person who works to support a family 养家活口的人
bureaucrat n. government officer who is appointed rather than elected 官僚
capital n. money that may be used for the production of more wealth 资本,资金
compassion n. feeling for the sufferings of others, sympathy 同情,怜悯
contract v. become smaller in size 收缩,缩小
credit n. honour, approval; trust; public attention 荣誉,赞成,相信,信任,瞩目,注目
decently ad. not causing shame or shock to others 不使别人感到害羞地;不使别人感到震惊地
deduction n. amount taken away 扣除量,扣除
efficiency n. the state or quality of working well and without waste 有能力,效力,效率
enterprise n. the courage that is needed to do sth. daring or difficult; an organization esp. a business firm 事业心;事业,企业
equivalent n. sth. that is equal in value, amount, meaning 相等物,等值物,等量物,对应词(语)
expand v.( cause to) grow large 扩大,增长,膨胀
maze n. state of confusion or bewilderment; network of lines, paths, etc. 混乱,迷惑
net n. a remaining amount after tax is paid 净值,净利
physical a. concerning material things 物质的
primal a. first in importance 主要的,首要的
proxy n. an example (of what others are like) 示例,代表
reckon v. calculate without counting exactly 估算,估计
regulator n. person who causes to obey a rule or standard 管理者,调整者
scale n. arrangement in steps or degrees 阶段,等级
sluggish a. slow moving, not very active or quick 缓慢的,懒惰的
stink v. give a strong bad smell 发恶臭
sustain v. keep strong; maintain 支撑,撑住,维持,保持
trounce v. defeat completely; beat or publish severely 打败;痛打;严厉惩罚
tuition n. fee for teaching 学费
upscale a. better than ordinary things, belonging to first-class 质优的;(商品)质优价高的,迎合高层次消费者的
warp n. a twist out of straight line 弯曲,歪斜
yield v. provide, give, produce 提供,给予,出产
inflated a.(物价)上涨的,通货膨胀的
principal n.本金
assailant n. attacker 攻击者,进攻者
confine v. keep within limits 限制
crawl v. move slowly, pulling the body along the ground 爬,爬行;匍匐前进
cripple v. weaken seriously 严重削弱
decline v. refuse politely 谢绝
dodge v. move quickly to escape or avoid sth. 躲闪,躲避,躲藏
extremist n. a person who holds extreme views 极端主义者;过激分子
file v. walk in line 排成纵队行进
flight n. the aircraft making a journey 班机
frail a. weak, fragile 虚弱的;脆弱的
grief n. deep or violent sorrow 悲痛,悲伤
herd v. drive people together as a herd 使集在一起,把…赶在一起
holy a. of God and religion 神的;神圣的
intact a. undamaged 未受损的;完整的
lobby n. a hall or passage, which leads from the entrance to the rooms inside a building 门廊;门厅
martyr n. a person who by his death or sufferings proves the strength of his beliefs 烈士;殉难者
miracle n. remarkable and surprising event 奇迹;非凡的事例;令人惊奇的事情
pilgrim n. a person who travels to a holy place as an act of religious love and respect 香客,朝山进香的人,朝拜圣地者
pilgrimage n. a journey made by a pilgrim 朝圣,朝觐
radical a. (of a person or his opinions) in favour of thorough and complete political change 激进的;激进派的
riddle (with) make many holes in (sth.) 把…打得布满窟窿
riot n. a lot of violent actions, noisy behaviour by a number of people in a public place 暴乱,骚动
score n. twenty, set of twenty 二十
secular a. not religious 世俗的;非宗教(或教会)的
shatter v. break suddenly and violently into pieces 粉碎,破碎
shield n. a broad piece of metal, wood, plastic carried by soldiers, police as protection from blows 盾;防护物;护罩
slaughter v. kill many people cruelly or wrongly 屠杀;残杀
smear v. cover with sth. sticky 涂,抹;敷
spate n. a large number coming together in time 大量;许多
stun v. shock, confuse the mind of 震惊,使大吃一惊;使不知所措
suspicion n. belief about someone‘s guilt 怀疑,猜疑;嫌疑
van n. covered or roofed motor vehicle for carrying or delivering goods 大篷货车
wage v. carry on, engage in (war, a compaign) 开展,进行
witness n. a person who is present when something happens 证人;目击者
plastic a. 合成树脂做成的,塑胶做成的
pyramid n. (古埃圾)金字塔
shrapnel n. 榴霰弹
本文标签:贵州自考 学习笔记 自考英语阅读(二)词汇UNIT29-34

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