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advocate n. a person who speaks for or supports an idea, way of life, etc. 鼓吹者;提倡者
affluent a. having plenty of money or other possessions 丰富的;富裕的
agenda n. a list of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting 议事日程表
appropriate a. correct or suitable 适当的;合适的
ban v. forbid, esp. by law 禁止
cessation n. a short pause or a stop 停止
dramatic a. sudden or exciting 戏剧般的;激动人心的
encourage v. give courage or hope to (sb.) 鼓励;促进
enthusiasm n. a strong feeling of interest and admiration 热情;热心
environment n. all the surrounding conditions which influence growth and development 环境
epidemic n. a very common infectious disease in a place for a time 流行病;时疫
escalate v. rise one after the other 逐渐上升
estimate v. calculate; form an opinion as to the degree 估计;估量
expose v. make known ( a secretly guilty person or action) 揭露;暴露
glamorous a. having or causing the power of attraction 有魅力的
hazard n. (of activity) which contains risk or danger 危险;冒险
identify v. power or show who or what a particular person or thing is 认出;识别;验明
impact n. the force of an idea, invention, system, etc 效果;影响;冲击
increasingly ad. more and more all the time 日益
induce v. lead (sb.) (into an act) often by persuading 引诱;劝使
involuntary a. acting or done unwillingly 非自愿的
legislate v. make laws 立法
mortality n. the number of deaths from a certain cause 死亡数
pollute v. make (air, water, soil, etc.) dangerously impure or unfit to use 污染
predicate v. state firmly 断言;声明
respiratory v. connected with breathing 呼吸(作用)的
responsible a. morally liable for the carrying out of some duty 有责任的;尽责的
restrict v. keep within limits 限制;约束
revenue n. in come, esp. that which the government receives as taxes (国家的)税收
reverse v. change to the opposite 反向;颠倒
statistics n. collected numbers which represent facts or measurements 统计数字;统计资料
subtle a. delicate, hardly noticeable, and esp. pleasant 精巧的;敏感的
tackle v. deal with (a matter) 处理;解决
toll n. the cost in health, life, etc. from illness, an accident 重大的代价,损失;(事故的)伤亡人数
cardiovascular a. 心血管(性)的
lethal stroke 由于中风而引起的死亡
accessible a. able to be reached 可接近的,能进去的
alter v. change in character, appearance, etc. 改变
bleach v. make or become white 漂白
condense v. (of a gas ) change to liquid 冷凝
dam n. a wall or bank built to keep back water 水坝,水堤
dense a. Crowded together in great numbers 密集的;稠密的
deposit n. layer of matter left 沉淀,淤积
derive v. obtain, get 取得,得到
devise v. think out (plans) 想出(计划)
dye v. color, usu. by dipping in a liquid 染,把…染上颜色
evaporate v. change into steam and disappear 蒸发;挥发
exert v. put forth产生
exploit v. develop fully so as to get profit 开发,利用
extract v. take out with a machine or instrument or by chemical means 取出;提取
extraction n. the act of extracting 提取
fraction n. small part 小部分;一点儿
hydroelectric a. of electricity produced by water power 水力发电的
inaccessible a. that cannot be reached 达不到的;难接近的
inexhaustible a. that cannot be used up completely 用不完的;无穷无尽的
initial a. of or at the beginning 最初的,开始的
moisture n. water or other liquids in the form of steam or mist潮气,湿气
process n. method,esp. one used in manufacture of industry 工序;制作法
regulate v. fix or control 控制,操纵
source n. place from which sth. comes or is got 来源地;来源
ultimately ad. basically; finally 基本地;最终
utilize v. make use of 利用
vital a. very necessary 必不可少的,极其重要的
calcium n. 钙
carbonate n. 碳酸盐
dissolved a. 溶于液体中的
gravity n. 万有引力
ingot n. (金属)铸块,锭
absolutely ad. completely 绝对地;完全地
allocation n. the giving of shares 分配;配给
appreciably ad. noticeably; enough to be fact, or considered important 可估计地;足以感到地
at random aimlessly without any plan 无目的;无计划
categorization n. putting in a class or category 分类
category n. kind; class; type 种类;类目
certainty n. freedom of doubt 无疑问;确实
deviation n. the difference (between a measure and the average of all the measures 偏差
diagonal a. slanting 斜的
estimate v. calculate; form an opinion as to the degree of sth. 估计;评价
extrapolate v. guess from known facts 推知;推断
fluke n. a lucky accident 侥幸
freak n. a living creature of unnatural form; a person with father strange habits or ideas 畸形的人
lopsided a. having one side heavier or lower than the other; not balanced 倾斜的;不平衡的
observations n. saying or writings about things noticed 观察材料(或报告)
potential a. existing in possibility 潜在的;有可能性的
probability n. likelihood; the chance of an event happening 可能性
provided conj. on condition that; if us …为条件;假如
questionnaire a piece of paper showing a set of questions to be answered 问题表;调查表
representative a. typical 代表性的;典型的
rogue n. a very dishonest person, esp. a man 流氓;无赖
sampling n. calculating by taking and examining a small part representing the whole 取样检验
skew a. not straight; sloping or twisted 斜的;歪的;偏的
stroke n. a line made by a single movement of a pen or brush in writing 一笔;一划
subspanision smaller group or class produced by further spaniding 由再分分出的部份;细分
sympathetic a. having or slowing the ability to share the feelings of others 同情的;有同情心的
tally n. mark to register a fixed number of objects or units 计数的签;筹码;记录
throw up v. produce 产生
tolerance n. margin of error; the amount by which the measure of a value can vary from the amount intended 容限;容许量
tolerate vt. allow; permit 容忍;默许
cross-section 横断面;截面
formular n. 公式
histogram n. 直方图;矩形图
gradient n. 斜度;变化率
margin n. 差数;幅度;余地;界限
polling n. 民意测验
proportional a. 成正比例的;相称的
statistician n. 统计员;统计学家
statistics n. 统计;统计学;统计资料
affordable a. able to be bought 买得起
anguish n. severe suffering 极度的痛苦
apparent a. easily seen or understood; plain 显而易见的
available a. that can be obtained 能得到的
axiom n. statement accepted as true without proof or argument 公理;格言
boom n. rapid growth or increase 激增,暴涨
commodity n. a thing of use sold for profit 商品
consequently ad. as a result 结果
corrupt a. immoral; depraved; dishonest 不道德的;腐败的;不诚实的
delay v. & n. put off until later; stop for a time or cause to be late; the act of delaying or the state of being delayed 推迟,耽搁,延误
denote v. indicate 表示,指示
detail v. describe fully 详述
spanerse a. of different kinds 多种多样的
entrepreneur n. a person who organises and manages a commercial undertaking 企业家
forethought n. wise planning for future needs 深谋远虑
illustrate vt. explain by examples (用例子)阐明
inextricably a. inseparably 无法摆脱的
main n. principal pipe bringing water or gas (水或煤气等的)总管道
marked a. clear; readily seen 清楚的,显而易见的
portion n. part 部分
precise a. exact in form, detail, time, measurements, etc. 精确的
primarily ad. mainly; chiefly 主要的,首要的
programming n. supplying a computer with a plan of the operations to be performed 程序输入
rage v. be very violent 大怒
sizable a. rather large (=sizeable) 相当大的
specimen n. one as an example of a class 抽样,标本
startlingly ad. surprisingly; shockingly 惊人地
tangible a. that can be felt by touch 可触知的
vague a. not clear in meaning 含糊的
variation n. difference or alternation 变化,变更
wary a. careful 小心翼翼的
wreak havoc cause widespread damage 浩劫;造成严重破坏
adaptor n. 接合器;接头
desktop a. 台式的
ledger n. 分类帐
本文标签:贵州自考 学习笔记 自考英语阅读(二)词汇UNIT13-16

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